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How to make a sound/music MOTD for Counter-strike 1.6 (Join server sound)

1. Get a .wav sound file

2. Upload your sound to your website, or a hosting site.

3. Copy the following code:

4. Open MOTD.txt in your server (It is in the cstrike folder). And paste the above code.

5. In this code, where it says "Tootoz - Your sound link", paste the link to the sound you created before.

I recommend you to make sure the sound is under 1mb, also .wav files will only work on your MOTD.
This sound will be played when you join the server automatically, and it will not stop when you press 'Okay', it will continue to play until your sound has played.


  1. give me website for shar music

  2. thank you boy! will know if i can use image and sound at same time?


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